
  • How do I submit a claim for Best Price Guaranteed?

  • What is Best Price Guaranteed and how do I check if my purchase is eligible?

  • How is price difference calculated for ‘Best Price Guaranteed’ claim?

  • Is there a limit on the amount that I can receive for ‘Best Price Guaranteed’ claim?
  • What are the features for products?

  • How would I know if my order has been confirmed?

  • Does Sympathy Yureru have a mobile app?

  • How do I place corporate or bulk orders?

  • How to check the available flash sales?

  • Why am I seeing different prices for the same product?

  • How to add or remove the item(s) in the cart?

  • What is the Sympathy Yureru Buyer Policy?

  • Why am i getting “Something went wrong” error?

  • Why am i unable to place an order ?

  • How to re-order your products that were delivered, returned or cancelled?

  • I am unable to add an item to cart, why is this happening?
  • What do the different order statuses in ‘My Order’ mean?

  • How to access Ask Sympathy Yureru?

  • I accidentally ordered duplicate items. What should I do?

  • How to Rate and Review your product?

  • I got a notification stating my order has been cancelled. What do I do now?

  • Can I cancel my order for overseas products?

  • What is AskSympathy Yureru & How does it work?

  • What is Sympathy Yureru order cancellation policy?

  • How to cancel the order?

  • If my order is cancelled or returned, will I get my Collectible Vouchers back with my refunds?